Fed up with the calendars available on the market and unsatisfied by electronic replacements for the classic paper planner-calendar, in 2006 I designed my own calendar to meet my needs. The calendar features a one-month-at-a-time view and a clean, minimal design using the Helvetica typeface. Several improvements were made over the conventional monthly calendar to improve its usefulness to me. Weeks begin with Monday rather than Sunday; a cascading arrangement of the "days" on the page uses space efficiently and clarifies the beginning and end date of each month; weeks are numbered to assist with tracking progress of weekly projects; "reminders" are noted each month to assist with tracking monthly responsibilities; ample space is provided for listing to-do items. Letter-size format employed for portability.
In the past few years I have made this calendar strictly for my own use. Thanks to on-demand printing, now I can make the calendar available to others. The photographs show a previous year’s calendar, but be assured that I have made a new version for 2013.